Every person has energy. We are energy. Every day we receive and give out both good and bad energy to other people.

The magical effects of a piece of jewelry or an object depend on different things, such as the material it's made of, the symbols on it, as well as if you charged it with the correct energy according to your goals.

As time goes by, magical objects and jewelry will begin accumulating bad energy that they got from you, hence why you need to periodically cleanse their energy. It's especially important to energetically cleanse any object before you charge it with energy yourself. There are different methods you can use, and picking the right one depends on a couple of things, such as what type of magic you prefer doing, what material the object is made of, if it was created just for you and you are its first owner, or it has been passed to you through multiple people. 

Basically, the methods you can use are as follow:

Energy cleansing using air magic:

Make a magic circle and light an incense stick or sage on the appropriate day or hour. Hold the object over the smoke while visualizing and feeling the bad energy being cleansed from it. After you feel the object is now free from negative energy, open your magical circle and let your incense sticks or sage burn out.

Energy cleansing using water magic:

First method. Suitable for orgonites, and semi-precious stones without any metal fittings. Create a magical circle. Hold the orgonite or stone under running water and feel it being cleansed from bad energy. Once you feel the object has been cleansed from bad energy, open your magical circle and leave the object out to dry in the sun. 

Second method. Suitable for almost everything except magical paintings. Gently sprinkle some moon water or witch's water on the object and combine that with an appropriate cleansing ritual. 

Energy cleansing using earth magic:

Place the object or the jewelry in a magical box or bowl with crystal sea salt and/or the appropriate herbs. Leave it in for at least 24 hours. 

Energy cleansing using fire magic:

Create a magical circle on the appropriate day and light a candle with the appropriate color. Begin slowly passing the object above the flame, and do it as many times as you need to, until you feel the object is cleansed from bad energy. Be careful and don't go too close to the flame, or else you risk burning yourself or the object you're trying to cleanse. 

Here are the answers to some common questions regarding cleansing bad energy from jewelry or other objects:

I've already cleansed the object and charged it with energy, but I've been wearing it for a while. Do I have to cleanse it again?

Along with attracting good things into your life, jewelry can also absorb bad energy from you, or protect you by absorbing bad energy that others have sent you. Sometimes, we will even lose crystals and semi-precious stones when their energy gets depleted. We will simply stop being able to find them, and then they will appear at a later point in time when their energy has been restored. 

You can easily avoid this by placing the piece of jewelry in a box or bowl of crystal sea salt for 24 hours. If it's another object, clean it from dust and do the same. To improve the cleansing effect, you can also add specific herbs to the salt like white sage, rosemary, and lavender. 

We recommend you make a full magical circle the first time you cleanse an object (especially before charging it with energy. After that, you can skip making a circle and just cleanse the object whenever you feel the need to. 

How do I clean my divination tools from bad energy?

We always recommend you make a full magic circle the first time you cleanse your tools from bad energy. If you do divination professionally and your tools absorbed a lot of bad energy, be sure to leave them in crystal sea salt for at least 24 hours. 

If during your divination you've seen something very bad like death or another serious hardship, give your tarot cards, runes, or divination tools some time to rest before using them again. 

Leave them to cleanse in a box or bowl with crystal sea salt for at least a week, and in the extreme cases where you have seen death during your divination, let your divination tools cleanse for at least one lunar cycle (28 days). This is the reason why people who do this professionally have many sets of divination tools - so they can let them cleanse for long enough. 

If there has been a death in your home, be sure to leave all your jewelry, magical objects, and divination tools on crystal sea salt for at least 40 days! This is extremely bad energy that will be left on all the tools you use during this time. We recommend you focus on mourning the loss and not doing any sort of magical practices or divination during this time because this can cause the energy of the deceased person to stay in your home - and that won't be good both for you and for them. 

How can practitioners of black magic and Satanism cleanse jewelry and magical objects?

The process is almost the same, however, they can use a black candle and black witch's salt. 

In conclusion, whatever type of magic or spiritual practices you use, it's important to keep your home, magical objects, and jewelry cleansed from bad energy so that your energy can flow freely and bring you new opportunities instead of stagnating and turning into bad energy that can only bring you negative emotions. 

Be blessed! And remember - you are your own magic!