In order to achieve our goals in life, we need to make efforts, but we also need to have a little luck. Sigils are something that can help us get the luck we need.

What are sigils?

In simple terms, a sigil is a magical image that represents a wish. It's a way to tell the universe about our goals so that it can help us turn them into reality.
Since ancient times, sigils have been used to attract rain, fertility, protection in travel and war, and many other things.
A sigil can be made for almost anything - to have more luck, to find a new job, to protect ourselves energetically, to have more money, or to find a soul mate.

What do we need to know about sigils?

If you show the universe through your actions that you are working towards your dreams and deserve to achieve them, a sigil is an incredibly powerful tool that can truly change your life.

However, the sigil will not achieve your goal if you yourself don't make an effort. You can't get a new job without looking for one. You can't make more money without working hard, You can't be in good health without living a healthy life. Sigils are extremely powerful, but they only help us - they do not live for us. How much they help us is directly related to how much we deserve their help.

If you are sure that you are doing everything that depends on you, but you have bad luck or fate is against you, buy a sigil and see the effect yourself.

Rules for using sigils

When working with sigils, never make a sigil to attract a specific person, because this violates their free will. Every person has the right to free will. I can assure you that nothing good will come from violating a person's free will, regardless of what you've read online. Apart from that, you can use sigils as a powerful tool to attract the most suitable partner.

Do not wish for that, which belongs to another. The universe is fair - it will always help you achieve something you truly desire. However, if want something that doesn't belong to you, the energy you're trying to use is likely to turn against you. We can make you a powerful sigil for attracting luck.

Sigils work better when they are made for a specific purpose. For example, if you buy a sigil that is made to attract love into your love, it will be more powerful and work faster, compared to a sigil that is made to attract love, money, and health. From personal experience, I always recommend having a different sigil for each energy you're trying to attract into your life.

Put your sigil in a place that is connected to your goal. For example, If you order a sigil for love and harmony, it's good to place it in rooms where you often argue with your partner. A sigil for attracting money or customers can be placed near your money or your workplace.

Once you have purchased the sigil and placed it in the correct location, it is important to look at it or think about it often. This will help it work better because you are giving it energy.

There is a secret that will help your magic work extraordinarily well. Would you like to know it?

When you are using magic and energy to create changes in your life, you need to ensure that you've created a real and physical channel through which that energy can flow. This is a very basic concept that many people forget or decide not to believe in, as it requires a bit of effort. If you skip this important part of the process, you will be working against your own energy and therefore you shouldn't expect the magic to work well. For example, if you have decided to use a sigil to attract money into your life, you should begin looking for new opportunities and do as many things as possible that will take you closer to achieving your goal. If you order a sigil to attract love, and you charge it with energy, the next step is to start meeting new people and tell your friends you're looking for a partner. 

This advice is based on my personal experience, as well as the principle called "As above, so below". It means that the energy we create on a higher plane of existence (our magic) will also manifest itself on the lower plane of existence (the physical reality). This leads many people to believe all they need to do is wish for something and it will come true, but they are forgetting that energy flows through the path of least resistance. Why not create such a path with your own actions? I'm willing to bet that your magic will work a lot better.

If you don't believe me, please ask yourself the following: Would you be able to read this right now if I didn't pair my magic with the effort of writing this article?